Le Grand Voyage (French)


Reda, un lycéen de 19 ans, qui va bientôt passer son baccalauréat, apprend par son père qu’il va devoir l’emmener à la Mecque pour son pèlerinage. Malgré les protestations de Reda qui ne veut pas rater ses examens, il est obligé de faire ce que son père lui dit. La communication entre le père et le fils n’a jamais été simple – ils ne se sont presque jamais parlés. Aussi, dès le départ, le voyage s’annonce difficile. Reda veut profiter de ce voyage pour faire du tourisme. De son côté son père veut lui apprendre l’importance du pèlerinage. Malgré les différences qui les séparent, le ‘grand voyage’ de 2000 km jusqu’à la Mecque, ville sainte des musulmans, va permettre à Reda et à son père de se réconcilier.

(Reda, a 19 year old high school student who is soon going to sit his school leaving diploma, learns from his father that he is going to have to take him to Mecca for his pilgrimage. Despite the protests of Reda who doesn’t want to fail his exams, he is obliged to do what his father tells him.
Communication between father and son has never been easy – they rarely speak. Also, right from the beginning, the journey has all the makings of a difficult trip. Reda wants to take advantage of the trip to be a tourist. As far as his father is concerned he wants him to learn the importance of the pilgrimage. In spite of the differences that separate them, the ‘big journey’ of 2000 kilometres to Mecca, the Muslim holy city, is going to allow Reda and his father to be reconciled. Courtesy of IFI)