La lengua de las mariposas (Spanish)


Estamos a principios de 1936 en un pequeño pueblo gallego. Moncho (apodado ‘Gorrión’) es un niño de 8 años y tiene que empezar a ir a la escuela. No lo ha hecho antes porque tiene asma. Tiene miedo de ir ya
que ha oído decir que los maestros pegan a los alumnos cuando no se portan bien. Sin embargo, sus miedos se apagan al conocer a Don Gregorio un maestro sensible y tolerante y así empieza un aprendizaje vital y activo además de los valores de la amistad, la libertad y el amor. El 18 de julio todo cambia y la paz del pueblo queda truncada con el estallido de la Guerra Civil. La intolerancia, las denuncias el el odio entre los aldeanos transforma un ambiente pacífico en un estado de guerra. Cuando Don Gregorio es detenido, el chico se ve acorralado entre el instinto de conservación y lo que su querido maestro le ha inculcado.

Beginning of 1936 in a small town in Galicia, north-west Spain. Moncho, nicknamed ‘Sparrow’, is an eight year old boy who has to start school. He has not gone before now because he suffers from asthma. He is afraid since he has heard that teachers hit pupils when they don’t behave well. His fears, however, come to nothing when he meets Don Gregorio, a sensitive and tolerant teacher and so begins an education that is both life-affirming and full as well as giving him an appreciation of the values of friendship, freedom and love. On the 18th July everything changes and the peace that the town enjoys is cut short when the civil war breaks out. Intolerance, turning people in and hatred amongst the townsfolk transform a peaceful atmosphere into a state of war. When Don Gregorio is detained, the young boy has to make a choice between his instinct for survival and the beliefs his beloved teacher has instilled in him.